I am a non-profit consultant, project management professional, entrepreneur and foodie , a sister, a friend and mentor based in the beautiful Caribbean island paradise of Barbados. I’ve worked in the non-profit and international development sector for the past 11 years and currently engaged as Programme Director for social good Accelerator Programme. I am blessed to love what I do and do what I love.
I discovered a love for cooking, trying out new ingredients and experimenting with food in my teens and I love cooking for people. It brings me joy to see the look on their faces when they discover something unexpected and delicious and healthy, or realise that some food they hated or feared trying previously can actually be delicious!!
My appreciation of healthy food began in my early 20s when I began to experience stomach issues which caused some weight gain and necessitated a change in my diet. I visited a homeopath and under his direction changed my diet to include fresh foods, salads, baked potatoes, fish, soups, multi-grain breads and pasta. I was formerly a pasta and bread lover (still love bread really, a good Bajan salt-bread and cheese can be irresistible).
I found that within the first week I started to lose weight, within the first month my skin cleared up, I had tons of energy and more importantly my menstrual cycle which was previously unpredictable, heavy and on a 21 day cycle became painless, 3 days, and regulated to a 28 day cycle which meant that I only experienced it once per month rather than 2x every other month. 0 migraines.
This experience changed by view of food and the healing power of a healthy diet. Over the years I have come to prove that my body functions better when I stick to a largely plant-based diet and limit my intake of dairy, refined foods, red meat and added sugar.
I put those principles to use in my meals and aim to share what I’ve learned with you over the years. I’ll show you how to prepare easy meals which are also delicious and good for you. Using simple ingredients and a few changes to prepare the same foods you love in new ways.